The impact of power on destination advertising effectiveness: The moderating role of arousal in advertising


作者:Hongyan Jianga , Huimin Tanb, , Yeyi Liuc , Fang Wand , Dogan Gursoye,

摘要:This study examines the impact of culturally-derived power (i.e., personalized vs. socialized power) on the effectiveness of destination advertising via the moderation of arousal in advertising, by identifying regulatory focus as an underlying mechanism. The findings indicate that high-arousal tourism destination advertisement is more effective for individuals primed with personalized power; low-arousal advertisement is more effective for individuals primed with socialized power. Culturally-derived power is found related to regulatory focus, which interacts with arousal in advertising to influence destination advertising effectiveness. This work not only contributes to the tourism literature by providing a new cultural perspective to the investigation of power, but also informs destination marketers of the importance of designing tailored advertising messages for different tourists.

关键词:Power Destination advertising effectiveness Arousal in advertising Cultural orientation

出版日期:8 April 2020


出处:Annals of Tourism Research